Re: speeding up tar

From: John Jolet (john.jolet@FXFN.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 10:05:05 EDT

try using xargs?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Dunn [mailto:john.dunn@SEFAS.CO.UK]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 5:05 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: speeding up tar

I have a script that tars up lots of files....up to 30,000

Because of the number of files and the need to avoid the "arg list too long"
problem, I am running a find command to list the files

find . -name "*.txt" > tarlist

tar -cf$TARFILE -L tarlist

I am wondering whether using the find and then the -L method is relatively
slow and whether avoiding using a list would speed things up.

How can I tar up 30000 files without using find and -L??


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