Problem with aclput and sometimes not find user

From: Paul LaMadeleine (plamadeleine@LIGHTBRIDGE.COM)
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 11:38:03 EST


         I have an ACL input file that looks like this:

>base permissions
> owner(root): rw-
> group(system): ---
> others: ---
>extended permissions
> enabled
> specify r-- u:username

         What we are trying to do is allow one user read access to one
file. We run this every 10 seconds as some other process resets the acl's
every now and then.

         The command line we are using is: aclput -i /alcs/somefile.acl

         Most of the time this is working just fine. Just every now and
then it fails to find the user in the /etc/passwd file and the ACL file
then looks like this:

>base permissions
> owner(root): rw-
> group(system): ---
> others: ---
>extended permissions
> enabled
> specify r-- u:username
>* line number 8: unknown user: username

         Any thoughts or comments?

         We are running AIX 4.3.3 and we are also running Etrust/SEOS (a
password/security program)



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