Copy files of the same name - keep newest one

From: Theresa Sarver (tsarver.IFMC@SDPS.ORG)
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 10:53:55 EST

Hi all;

I migrated the contents of one server's /home filesystem to another server several weeks ago. Now I need to go back through and copy any files that were created/modified on this old server - onto the new server, without affecting/overwriting the existing files on this new server. So basically I need to compare time stamps of the files on the old/new servers before the file is copied.

Does anyone know, if I use "cp -Rhp", will it overwrite the pre-existing files? Or will it compare timestamps before copying?

Does anyone know of a better method for accomplishing this task?

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance;

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