AIX jfs log / adapter

From: Page, Jennifer (Jennifer.Page@RBCDAIN.COM)
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 09:40:09 EST

Just wanted to run something by you folks.

We have an adapter that was down several levels of microcode. The short
story is when we made a SAN configuration change the attached devices
were temporarily unreachable. The other adapters could handle the
errors (unreachable) but the old firmware (and drivers) did not handle
the errors appropriately and we had jfs inconsistencies. We have since
fixed this by upgrading the drivers and firmeware, however before the
fix the way we recovered was to un-mount the jfs and run fsck against
them before remounting.

The question is if the OS has sent a write or read to the device does
the OS logging happen at that time with an assumption that the adapter
device will fulfill the request?

The reason for the question is we had a sybase log file that sybase was
unable to write to, even after the ckfs was ran against the jfs. The
modification time on the file was updated, but the file was unable to be
updated (had to move file to another name and let sybase recreate the
filename). Perhaps I missed an output messaging noting an additional
fsck was needed.

Any thoughts...

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