Awk, print, printf question

From: Mills, John T (John.T.Mills@ERAC.COM)
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 13:44:31 EST


   I am trying to variablize the print portion
of the awk command. The reason for this is
processing a variable length string. The
string will be 7 fields long, and I need fields
1, 3, and 6 respectively. The set would be as

1 3 6
8 10 13
15 17 20

NNET is the number of sets of 7 in the string

      while [ "$NNET" -ge "$i" ]
         let k=1+$FACTOR
         let l=3+$FACTOR
         let m=6+$FACTOR
         echo $line | awk {'print $$k,$$l,$$m'}
         let FACTOR=$i*7
         let i=$i+1


John T. Mills

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