Re: Moving home directories

From: Patrick B. O'Brien (pobrien@DOIT.NV.GOV)
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 12:48:59 EST

Exportfs -a on the nfs sever after you change the /etc/exports file.

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Fenrick [mailto:R.Fenrick@LABSAFETY.COM]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 9:42 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Moving home directories

I will be moving home directories within my SP complex from one node to
another. The node they are currently on will be turning into a development
node, and I would like my home directories on a production node. We are
using automount and from what I understand, I will need to copy the home
directories over to their new location, and then copy the /etc/exports file
to the new node, restart the nfs daemons. Does this sound correct? If so,
or not, any input would be helpful.


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