port issues

From: Dimel, Rich (Rich.Dimel@STANDARDREGISTER.COM)
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 15:40:07 EST

Hi gurus!

I believe I am having network/tcpip/port issues with one of my P630s
(running AIX 5.1-ML03).

One example:

When I attempt to access my patrol server targeting a predefined port (on
the bmc server), it hangs (with "trying")... I can ping the patrol server, I
can do a regular telnet...

This is the command that fails:

#telnet <server> 2059

I have a clone of this server that has absolutely no problem connecting with
the same command. It connects almost immediately... traceroute shows the
same path is taken from both servers... Both have identical nameserver
configurations in place... Each server does, of course, is hosted on its own
unique IP address (on the same subnet).

We do know that this isn't an ACL permission issue on the patrol server... I
do have related issues that makes me wonder if I have port issues with this
particular server...

More examples:

I'm also wondering if this issue is tied to the xterm and xntpd troubles I'm
having with this server... I cannot launch remotely-based xterms, or seem to
synchronize the time... I do not have the same trouble with the other P630
(the clone)...

I know this is all kind of vague... Any ideas where I can start with
this???... I've been pouring over various netstat (-a, -i, -rn) outputs, and
I really don't have anything to go on... I've checked the nameserver
configuration, domain, default gateway, compared inittabs, compared
netsvc.conf, compared .profiles, .dtprofiles, .rhosts, etc... nothing stands

The server seems fine, and overall, the network connectivity is fine...

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Any ideas on where to begin
(again)? I'm trying to fix this without reloading the OS...

Any input is appreciated... Thanks!


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