Re: Monitoring CPU, memory and filesystem usage with snmp

From: Kilchenmann Timo (timo.kilchenmann@BECHTLE.CH)
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 05:32:06 EST

Thanks for the info.

Could you please explain me how to get the cpu-usage with snmpinfo from
native AIX snmpd (and subagents)?

Would vary much appriciate that!
Timo Kilchenmann E-Mail
                     Phone +41 1 843 34 91 (direct)
Bechtle Data AG or +41 1 843 32 32
Bahnstrasse 58/60 Telefax +41 1 843 34 24
CH-8105 Regensdorf Mobile +41 79 417 43 55

 Externe Mail : IBM AIX Discussion List <aix-l@Princeton.EDU>
 09.01.2003 20:08

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                                        Thema: Re: Monitoring CPU, memory and filesystem usage with snmp
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AFAIR you can only get network-related counters and cpu-usage

man snmpinfo
man mosy

-----Original Message-----
From: Kilchenmann Timo [mailto:timo.kilchenmann@BECHTLE.CH]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 3:44 PM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Monitoring CPU, memory and filesystem usage with snmp

Dear all,

I am trying to monitor cpu, memory und filesystem usage with snmp.

I am not an expert in this area, but I have read the AIX documentation
and consulted some news groups.

I am getting to the conclusion

1. it is not possible to get these values from AIX snmpd and subagents
on AIX version 4.3.3 and 5.1.0 2. it is necessary to use third-party
software (for example IBM perftoolbox or net-snmpd via exec functions)
on AIX version 4.3.3 and 5.10 3. it should be possible with AIX version
5.2.0 (aixmibd subagent) without additional software (I am trying to get
it working - but no success so far)

Is this correct?

Does somebody has scripts for use with net-snmpd?

Many thanks for sharing your experience und knowledge with me!!

Timo Kilchenmann E-Mail
                     Phone +41 1 843 34 91 (direct)
Bechtle Data AG or +41 1 843 32 32
Bahnstrasse 58/60 Telefax +41 1 843 34 24
CH-8105 Regensdorf Mobile +41 79 417 43 55

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