Re: restoring permission's on root file system .

From: Holger.VanKoll@SWISSCOM.COM
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 14:15:38 EST

tried to transfer the dosread-command with dd?
something like
dd </usr/bin/dosread >/dev/your_diskdrive
and vice versa on the target system

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Shekhar Dhotre [mailto:Shekhar.Dhotre@LENDLEASEREI.COM]
        Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 7:54 PM
        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
        Subject: restoring permission's on root file system .

        We are following process to restore permission's on root file
system . Now we have reset.perms.out file on another aix system .
        We are trying to copy this file to bad aix system so that we can
execute and restore permission's .unfortunately there is no
doswrite/read commands on target system. since system is booted in
maintenance mode cannot install bos.dosutil file set .
        we are trying dd, cpio etc..
        Is there a way to copy file from one aix system to another aix
system ? using any other commands than dosread and doswrite ?
        or can we bring network up in maintenance mode ? so that we can
ftp this file .
        drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 1024 Dec 30 08:49 drinfo

        -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 733137 Jan 09 12:34
reset.perms.out.Z (want to copy this file )
        drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 512 Jan 09 13:23 reset


        Check this out-
        it uses a mksysb tape of the damaged system to generate a script
to fix
        if you don't have a mksysb tape, you can use the following:
        You run the script listed below on A GOOD system with correct
        permissions. This will generate a file 'reset.perms.out' which
        contains the necessary 'chmod' and 'chown' commands to restore
        permissions on the affected system. You can then COPY this file
        over to the BAD system and run it.
        -- begin script --
        cd /tmp
        rm reset.perms.out 2>/dev/null
        find / -ls |awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12}'|
        awk '{
        if ( NF == "9" )
        printf ("chown %s.%s %s\n",$3,$4,$9)
        if(substr($1,2,1) == "r")
        perms = perms + 400
        if(substr($1,3,1) == "w")
        perms = perms + 200
        if(substr($1,4,1) == "x")
        perms = perms + 100
        if(substr($1,4,1) == "S")
        perms = perms + 4000
        if(substr($1,4,1) == "s")
        perms = perms + 4100
        if(substr($1,5,1) == "r")
        perms = perms + 40
        if(substr($1,6,1) == "w")
        perms = perms + 20
        if(substr($1,7,1) == "x")
        perms = perms + 10
        if(substr($1,7,1) == "S")
        perms = perms + 2000
        if(substr($1,7,1) == "s")
        perms = perms + 2010
        if(substr($1,8,1) == "r")
        perms = perms + 4
        if(substr($1,9,1) == "w")
        perms = perms + 2
        if(substr($1,10,1) == "x")
        perms = perms + 1
        if(substr($1,10,1) == "T")
        perms = perms + 1000
        if(substr($1,10,1) == "t")
        perms = perms + 1001
        printf("chmod %d %s # %s\n",perms,$9,$1)
        }' >reset.perms.out
        chmod 755 reset.perms.out
        Pablo Clifton
        UNIX Tech Services
        * DCC603-F212
        * 904.905.7116/ 210.287.4021 cell
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Shekhar Dhotre [mailto:Shekhar.Dhotre@LENDLEASEREI.COM]
        Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 9:47 AM
        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
        Subject: permission's or / (root) changed
        Hi all,
        Our Junior-while working with Developer changed some permission
on root file
        system, I don't have details but he was telling me developer
provided some
        script to change permission's and he accidentally executed on
root file
        Now we are getting messages processes spawning to rapidly ...
the box is
        down. I started working with him to restore this box.
        What are our options?
        I know I can restore from mksysb. (He is in doubt about mksysb
tape -
        created one year ago :-) and searching one .
        Assuming that we don't get mksysb -
        Can I install AIX from CD and do importvg on whatever volume
groups were
        Or is there any way to set / permission's to original one?
        Thank You

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