Re: Script to activate TSM-scheduler not in first week of month

From: McHugh, Jerome (jmchugh@TOWERRECORDS.COM)
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 15:22:58 EST

If I understand your question, look up the crontab command, it is
capable of scheduling just about anything you would like.

For example:

15 01 1 * * /path/to/command/

This line in a given cron file will run the script at
1:15 am on the first of each month.
If you have not used cron before be sure to handle your standard out and
standard error - it will go to the users mail by default and may fill up
your /var file system eventually depending on how your system is sized.

Jerome McHugh
Senior Systems Administrator, Lead

-----Original Message-----
From: brian welsh [mailto:brianwelsh3@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 12:03 PM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Script to activate TSM-scheduler not in first week of month


Script question.

For some reason a client using TSM will back-up his data every day,
the first week of the month.

I can't schedule this within TSM so I have to make a script. No I have a
problem how I can trigger if days are in the first week of the months.
days will be in the first week and so on are in this case not that

Hope someone can give me a hint.


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