Re: finding files modified yesterday

From: Green, Simon (SGreen@KRAFTEUROPE.COM)
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 11:24:28 EST

> From: Holger.VanKoll@SWISSCOM.COM
> Sent: 10 December 2002 16:01


> this script also looks good, but I dont understand it ;-)
<SNIP Script>
> if you understand it: will it handle daylight-saving and leap years?

Leap years are never a problem. This one will be OK _most_ of the time.
However, it may be an hour out around the day of the time change.

> this also looks good:
<SNIP Second script>
> but as I dont understand this TZ-stuff I have the same question: will
> it handle daylight-saving and leap years?

No! It's very basic, assumes GMT and makes no allowance for daylight
although leap years aren't a problem.

The important thing for daylight saving is the stuff at the end: the
"M3.5.0,M10.5.0". This indicates exactly when the change is to take place:
Third and tenth months, fifth week (or last week if there are only four),
day 0 (Sunday). You can also specify the particular time, if you like, but
it defaults to 02:00, (I think).

Provided TZ is set correctly, "date" will always handle daylight saving and
leap days.

Simon Green
Philip Morris ITSC Europe

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