Re: Aix user-id

From: Jolet, John (John.Jolet@MISYSHEALTHCARE.COM)
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 15:40:43 EDT

why on earth does he need that? i think that's a want, not a need. I've
got several oracle database servers and what he's probably trying to
accomplish with that could probably be handled with different environment

-----Original Message-----
From: David Winingham [mailto:dwiningh@UABMC.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 2:29 PM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Aix user-id

My oracle dba needs a userid of oracle817, which is 9 characters long,
the AIX limit is 8 characters. Is the 8 character limit a hard limit or
is there a work around?

David Winingham

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