Re: DR test-need help w/concepts & overall procedures << 2nd time

From: Green, Simon (SGreen@KRAFTEUROPE.COM)
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 04:54:28 EDT

> From: Ken_Sedlacek@KYRUS.COM [mailto:Ken_Sedlacek@KYRUS.COM]
> Enviro:
> H50, SSA 7133-020, AIX, Oracle Hotspare, filesystems
> optimized
> w/map file for SSA placement
> H70, SSA 7133-D40, AIX, Oracle Production 8i
> TSM, Magstar MP 3570 library
> Management has finally decided to test our DR capability with
> existing H50
> HotSpare server.
> Questions:
> 1) How does using the H70 mksysb tape on the H50 work as far
> as devices on
> the H50? Does it load in drivers specific for the H50?

Follow the cloning procedure; you'll find loads of references to it in the
archive. This will install any additional device files.

> 2) On making the H70 mksysb tape, there is a field for
> "Create map files"
> (Y or N). What does this do and should I set this to Y or N on the H70
> mksysb tape?

Don't bother. It's used to ensure that the placement of the rootvg in the
target system is the same as the source. But that really doesn't matter all

that much and unless you've got the same sized disks it can't do it anyway.

> 3) How do I use the existing H50 SSA filesystem map files
> when using the
> H70 mksysb tape?

You don't; it's irrelevant.

> 4) DR procedure: (overview)
> - Load H50 w/H70 mksysb. Get AIX OS running. TSM program
> files should also
> be here to run TSM.
> - Reload Oracle data files via TSM onto H50 filesystems.
> - Have DBA configure Oracle to run on H50.

Looks alright. Note that TSM doesn't care very much about how filesystems
are allocated; provided there's enough space it'll be happy.

One thing to consider is the network: your H50 will be configured
to the H70 when you restore it. That means that it will have the same IP
addresses. For a real DR that doesn't matter, and is actually desirable.
For a test, you will need to take steps to ensure that it doesn't lead to a
duplicate address on your network. The simplest thing to do is unplug the
network cables until you've had a chance to reconfigure the network
Of course, if you're not on a shared network there won't be a problem.

Simon Green
Philip Morris ITSC Europe

AIX-L Archive at

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