Re: script for df-k filesystem alerts...

From: Rod Jenkins (RodJ@IOWATELECOM.COM)
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 11:31:50 EDT

Here is what I use.


## script: check_fs.ksh ##
## purpose: monitor filesystem space. mails to alert when exceeded. ##
## Note: this script could probably use some re-integration ##
## as it may have become out of sync across the platforms. ##
HOSTNAME=`uname -n`

function check_cap {
$DF_CMD|grep -iv cdrom|tail +2|while read FS_LINE
KB_AVL=`echo $FS_LINE|awk '{print $'$DF_KB_AVL'}'`
PCT_USD=`echo $FS_LINE|awk '{print $'$DF_PCT_USD'}'|sed -e 's/%//g'`
FS_NAME=`echo $FS_LINE|awk '{print $'$DF_FS_NAME'}'`
if [ $PCT_USD -ge 98 ]
echo $FS_NAME","$KB_AVL","$PCT_USD|mailx alert


case $OSTYPE in
            DF_CMD='df -Ik'

-----Original Message-----
From: Barnhart, Troy [mailto:TBarnhart@RCRH.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 10:13 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: script for df-k filesystem alerts...

Just a request to see if someone out there already has a
simple script I could setup in cron that runs a df -k and
then parses the output to find anything over a certain percentage in the
%used column. I could use a little help on the parsing part. I'm going to
then push that line of output to an alert email.

thanks in advance,

Troy Barnhart, Sr. Systems Programmer,
Rapid City Regional Hospital,
Rapid City, South Dakota, 57701
ph: 605-719-8068 / fax: 605-719-4206

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