Re: installing the ssh client during the NIM install

From: Jason delaFuente (jason.delafuente@GBE.COM)
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 16:19:49 EDT

You could use the "Customized Script to run after installation" option in smit. By the time that runs that OS should already be installed.

Jason de la Fuente

>>> yves@ZIOUP.COM 05/18/04 02:48PM >>>

Has anybody managed to install the ssh client part of the NIM install ?

openssh.base.client requires openssl to be installed. But, openssl is RPM
while openssh is installp, and NIM seems to be installing all the installp
packages first, then the RPM packages, regardless of their order in the

So during the NIM install, nim tries to install openssh and fails (lacking
a pre-req) then happilly goes and install openssl.

How can I force NIM to install the RPM first ??



Yves Dorfsman                                   

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