From: jeff barratt-mccartney (jbarratt@COMPSAT.COM)
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 12:54:44 EDT


        "Kumar, Praveen (cahoot)" <Praveen.Kumar@CAHOOT.COM>
Sent by: IBM AIX Discussion List <aix-l@Princeton.EDU>

05/04/2004 07:45 AM
Please respond to IBM AIX Discussion List

        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
We have recently attached a FASTt 600 to a 7028-6C4. I have to dar (dar0
and dar1) devices with each one containing single dac devices (dac0 and
dac1). Can anyone tell me how to get down to one dar0 device with both dac0
and dac1 listed.

We have an existing FASTt config that has this. One dar0 device with both
dac0 and dac1 listed underneath it. My understanding is that this helps
with load balancing. I didn't originally configure the FASTt itself. Does
anyone know if this could be a configuration issue on the FASTt end or is it
just a matter of me configuring something on the AIX systm.

Sorry if this is slightly off topic. Thanks in advance for the help!

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