syslog question

From: Jason Alburger (jason.ctr.alburger@FAA.GOV)
Date: Fri Apr 30 2004 - 12:56:37 EDT

AIX 4.3.3

I'm attempting to script a log viewer to pull out significant events from a
system log and I am having some trouble with priority codes. A section in
the man page on syslogd states about the log output format:

Each message is one line. A message can contain a priority code, marked by
a digit enclosed in < > (angle braces) at the beginning of the line.
Messages longer than 900 bytes may be truncated.

In my /etc/syslog.conf, I have: /foo/sshell.log

I've attempted to create some test log messages with:
logger -p local6.emerg this is only a test

Which produces this in /foo/sshell.log:
Apr 30 16:12:13 zcynsm2 root: this is only a test

The output does not show the priority code (emerg, or 0, in this case). How
do I get the priority code to be listed in the log as well so I can get my
log viewer to differentiate message priority?
I'm expecting the priority to be displayed as stated above in the man


Jason Alburger
CPDLC Engineer
Joseph Sheairs Associates, Inc.

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