Re: AIX and symmir

From: Bill Verzal (BVerzal@KOMATSUNA.COM)
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 13:28:00 EDT

Actually, I just added 8 mirrors and BCVs to my S80 and H80.

You need to rmdev and run cfgmgr after the split. That will get the new


"If everything is coming your way, then you are in the wrong lane"

Bill Verzal
AIX Administrator, Komatsu America
(847) 970-3726 - direct
(847) 970-4184 - fax

             John Jolet
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                                       Re: AIX and symmir

             04/28/2004 12:10

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on the host that's supposed to see the bcvs, try exporting, then
reimporting the vg.

Drew Myers wrote:

>Good morning all,
>I've written about this overall topic before, and received excellent
>information, so I hope someone will recognize this wrinkle.
>IBM p671 split into 2 LPARs. EMC SAN connected to each LPAR, but
>separate LUNs are visible to each host. I've built BCVs to be
>accessible by one host, regular LUNs visible to the other host.
>When I did the initial testing, I was able to establish the BCV mirror,
>split the mirror, and importvg all the volume groups without problem.
>However, I try it now, and the PVIDs and volume group information
>doesn't seem to be getting copied from disk to BCV disk. Here are the
>commands I'm using:
>$SYMMIR -g ODWH -full establish DEV001 BCV ld BCV001 \
> DEV002 BCV ld BCV002 \
> .
> .
> DEV040 BCV ld BCV040
># run a script to move the DB to "backup mode"
>$SYMMIR -g ODWH split -noprompt
>At this point, I would expect to see the PVIDs and other information on
>the BCVs that are visible to this particular host. However, they appear
>to be blank, with no PVIDs present.
>Any suggestions appreciated.
>Drew Myers

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