
From: Andrew Garnett (andrewwdg@YAHOO.CO.UK)
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 10:04:39 EDT

Please ignore the last email on this subject - it
appears that someone is playing around with invisible
control characters in their scripts.
The dos2unix actually uses a standard sed command

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Hi All,

I've always used sed, vi or awk to remove unwanted ^M
characters as it is so trivial.

However, I've just for the first time seen a script
which (if I remove all the checking etc.) boils down
to the following construction: -

$//' > $1.temps/

which seems to successfully convert the file named in
$1 and redirect to a temporary file $1.temp. That is
the whole line - only the one reference to $1.
It looks like a complete shortcut for what I normally
do, and I'd like to understand it as well as get some
faith in what it's doing.
Could anyone enlighten me ?

You learn something new every day,

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