Re: Large program support

From: Bill Verzal (Bill_Verzal@BCBSIL.COM)
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 08:47:30 EDT



Bill Verzal
Technical Consultant
Forbes Technical Consulting
(312) 653-3684
MailStop: 27.201C

                    Mike Whorley
                    <Mike.Whorley@ To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
                    CODA.COM> cc:
                    Sent by: IBM Subject: Large program support
                    AIX Discussion

                    06:59 AM
                    Please respond
                    to IBM AIX


I have a tricky problem whereby an application is falling over because it
cannot allocate enough memory. No exact details at the moment as the issue
is at a remote site

The financials application is trying to run a year end and we believe it
needs to allocate about 1.2Gb of memory. It seems that AIX has a memory
threshold and indeed we have proved this to be the case in the past whereby
our application fell over trying to allocate more than 256Mb then later

I don't have exact information at this stage but I believe the AIX level to
be 4.3.3 and the physical memory to be 2Gb.

Does anyone have any knowledge on how we can allow the application to
access at least 1.2Gb ? I'm assuming the O/S is set to only allow 1Gb at
this level of AIX.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is causing us some big
headaches at the moment.



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