Re: Exceed Desktop !!! Help Please !!!!

From: Green, Simon (SGreen@KRAFTEUROPE.COM)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 11:52:48 EDT

No! dtterm rules!
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -display @d -bg white -fg black -ms red -fn 7x13

(I usually set -name and -title as well.)

A bright background with dark font is easier on the eyes. Yellow on black
is one of the worst!

(Your iris adjusts to the total light level. When the background is black
that's quite low, but you're focusing on the text, which is much brighter.)

What I actually have is slightly different colours for each server, so that
I'm less likely to forget which one I'm about to shutdown...

I used to use CDE, but it's so handy to be able to have a terminal window
open alongside a reference document, (whether it's my own notes, or an
on-line manual), or our problem management system. I never really used much
of CDE apart from a simple terminal window, so why have all that overhead?
Any application I really want I can invoke from the command line easily
enough. Of course, I've always favoured using the keyboard rather than a
mouse, even in Windows, so I'm much less likely to miss a GUI.

Also, a simple dtterm, (or xterm, or aixterm) will run acceptably over a 56k
modem. Still not quite as fast as telnet, but not too bad.

Simon Green
Philip Morris ITSC Europe

AIX-L Archive at

N.B. Unsolicited email from vendors will seldom be appreciated.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim.Herman@MAIL.SPRINT.COM [mailto:Tim.Herman@MAIL.SPRINT.COM]
> Sent: 26 June 2002 16:23
> To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
> Subject: Re: Exceed Desktop !!! Help Please !!!!
> This is how I do it, and it's beautifulll, except I use xterm instead
> of dtterm. Use that string I sent you in your exceed config to pop up
> individual xterm windows. Beats cde hands down, IMHO.

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