3.17 How can I set up an auto-responder?

This is not a sendmail issue. That said, there are recipes included in your systems documentation. See `man procmailex' for the details. Here is what a couple of the look like:

   Example #1:
   :0 h c
   * !^X-Loop: your@own.mail.address
   | (formail -r -I"Precedence: junk" \
   -A"X-Loop: your@own.mail.address" ; \
   echo "Mail received.") | $SENDMAIL -t
   Example #2:
   :0 Whc: vacation.lock
   # Perform a quick check to see if the mail was addressed to us
   * $^To:.*\<$\LOGNAME\>
   # Don't reply to daemons and mailinglists
   # Mail loops are evil
     * !^X-Loop: your@own.mail.address
     | formail -rD 8192 vacation.cache

     :0 ehc         # if the name was not in the cache
     | (formail -rI"Precedence: junk" \
     -A"X-Loop: your@own.mail.address" ; \
     echo "I received your mail,"; \
     echo "but I won't be back until Monday."; \
     echo "-- "; cat $HOME/.signature \
     ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t