Network Security Information: WWW  
Network Security Information: WWW
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The World Wide Web Security FAQ(faq)
Cool FAQ about WWW servers

Internet Holes: 50 Ways to Attack Your Web Systems(checklist)
Actually, 62. And not holes, but some possible insecurities.

Securing your Web server(paper)
Make sure your site is secure from prying eyes and malicious intent.

Security Issues in WWW(how-to)
Looks like FAQ with links.

Web Spoofing(paper)
How it works and how to defend from it.

WWW Security(paper)
General information

The Most Comprehensive List of CGI & httpd Bugs(checklist)
Fresh document (22.Jan.99) with compilation of the last bugs

Identification, Authentication and Authorization on the World Wide Web(paper)
Nice paper with many links, products and methods descriptions

Surfing Between the Flags: Security on the Web(paper)
Very short but with the long references:)

Web Site Hacking(paper)
May be helpful for lammers

The World Wide Web: Managing Security Risks(paper)
NIST Bulletin

The FAQ about WWW service insecurity(faq)
NMRC FAQ. A lot of information for hackers, lammers and administrators
