/* real quick SunPCi VNC password decoder */ /* tested on Linux and Solaris; no warranties */ /* all code is ripped, therefore I take no credit */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXPWLEN 8 #define CHALLENGESIZE 16 #define EN0 0 /* MODE == encrypt */ #define DE1 1 /* MODE == decrypt */ extern int vncEncryptPasswd(char *passwd, char *fname); extern char *vncDecryptPasswd(char *fname, unsigned char *key); extern void vncRandomBytes(unsigned char *bytes); extern void vncEncryptBytes(unsigned char *bytes, const char *passwd); extern void deskey(unsigned char *, int); extern void usekey(unsigned long *); extern void cpkey(unsigned long *); extern void des(unsigned char *, unsigned char *); int main (void){ /* put the first 8 bytes of your sniffed challenge here in challenge[] */ unsigned char challenge[] = {0x87,0x5d,0x28,0xf3,0x54,0x2d,0xa9,0xe8}; /* put the first 8 bytes of your sniffed response here in response[] */ char response[]={0x0d, 0xfc, 0xc6, 0xfc, 0x62, 0xc2, 0x18, 0x0e}; printf("%s\n",vncDecryptPasswd(response,challenge)); exit(0); } char * vncDecryptPasswd(char *inouttext, unsigned char *key) { unsigned char *passwd = (unsigned char *)malloc(9); deskey(key, DE1); des(inouttext, passwd); passwd[8] = 0; return (char *)passwd; } static void scrunch(unsigned char *, unsigned long *); static void unscrun(unsigned long *, unsigned char *); static void desfunc(unsigned long *, unsigned long *); static void cookey(unsigned long *); static unsigned long KnL[32] = { 0L }; static unsigned long KnR[32] = { 0L }; static unsigned long Kn3[32] = { 0L }; static unsigned char Df_Key[24] = { 0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef, 0xfe,0xdc,0xba,0x98,0x76,0x54,0x32,0x10, 0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef,0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67 }; static unsigned short bytebit[8] = { 01, 02, 04, 010, 020, 040, 0100, 0200 }; static unsigned long bigbyte[24] = { 0x800000L, 0x400000L, 0x200000L, 0x100000L, 0x80000L, 0x40000L, 0x20000L, 0x10000L, 0x8000L, 0x4000L, 0x2000L, 0x1000L, 0x800L, 0x400L, 0x200L, 0x100L, 0x80L, 0x40L, 0x20L, 0x10L, 0x8L, 0x4L, 0x2L, 0x1L }; /* Use the key schedule specified in the Standard (ANSI X3.92-1981). */ static unsigned char pc1[56] = { 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0, 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12, 4, 27, 19, 11, 3 }; static unsigned char totrot[16] = { 1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,28 }; static unsigned char pc2[48] = { 13, 16, 10, 23, 0, 4, 2, 27, 14, 5, 20, 9, 22, 18, 11, 3, 25, 7, 15, 6, 26, 19, 12, 1, 40, 51, 30, 36, 46, 54, 29, 39, 50, 44, 32, 47, 43, 48, 38, 55, 33, 52, 45, 41, 49, 35, 28, 31 }; void deskey(key, edf) /* Thanks to James Gillogly & Phil Karn! */ unsigned char *key; int edf; { register int i, j, l, m, n; unsigned char pc1m[56], pcr[56]; unsigned long kn[32]; for ( j = 0; j < 56; j++ ) { l = pc1[j]; m = l & 07; pc1m[j] = (key[l >> 3] & bytebit[m]) ? 1 : 0; } for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { if( edf == DE1 ) m = (15 - i) << 1; else m = i << 1; n = m + 1; kn[m] = kn[n] = 0L; for( j = 0; j < 28; j++ ) { l = j + totrot[i]; if( l < 28 ) pcr[j] = pc1m[l]; else pcr[j] = pc1m[l - 28]; } for( j = 28; j < 56; j++ ) { l = j + totrot[i]; if( l < 56 ) pcr[j] = pc1m[l]; else pcr[j] = pc1m[l - 28]; } for( j = 0; j < 24; j++ ) { if( pcr[pc2[j]] ) kn[m] |= bigbyte[j]; if( pcr[pc2[j+24]] ) kn[n] |= bigbyte[j]; } } cookey(kn); return; } static void cookey(raw1) register unsigned long *raw1; { register unsigned long *cook, *raw0; unsigned long dough[32]; register int i; cook = dough; for( i = 0; i < 16; i++, raw1++ ) { raw0 = raw1++; *cook = (*raw0 & 0x00fc0000L) << 6; *cook |= (*raw0 & 0x00000fc0L) << 10; *cook |= (*raw1 & 0x00fc0000L) >> 10; *cook++ |= (*raw1 & 0x00000fc0L) >> 6; *cook = (*raw0 & 0x0003f000L) << 12; *cook |= (*raw0 & 0x0000003fL) << 16; *cook |= (*raw1 & 0x0003f000L) >> 4; *cook++ |= (*raw1 & 0x0000003fL); } usekey(dough); return; } void cpkey(into) register unsigned long *into; { register unsigned long *from, *endp; from = KnL, endp = &KnL[32]; while( from < endp ) *into++ = *from++; return; } void usekey(from) register unsigned long *from; { register unsigned long *to, *endp; to = KnL, endp = &KnL[32]; while( to < endp ) *to++ = *from++; return; } void des(inblock, outblock) unsigned char *inblock, *outblock; { unsigned long work[2]; scrunch(inblock, work); desfunc(work, KnL); unscrun(work, outblock); return; } static void scrunch(outof, into) register unsigned char *outof; register unsigned long *into; { *into = (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 24; *into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 16; *into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 8; *into++ |= (*outof++ & 0xffL); *into = (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 24; *into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 16; *into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 8; *into |= (*outof & 0xffL); return; } static void unscrun(outof, into) register unsigned long *outof; register unsigned char *into; { *into++ = (*outof >> 24) & 0xffL; *into++ = (*outof >> 16) & 0xffL; *into++ = (*outof >> 8) & 0xffL; *into++ = *outof++ & 0xffL; *into++ = (*outof >> 24) & 0xffL; *into++ = (*outof >> 16) & 0xffL; *into++ = (*outof >> 8) & 0xffL; *into = *outof & 0xffL; return; } static unsigned long SP1[64] = { 0x01010400L, 0x00000000L, 0x00010000L, 0x01010404L, 0x01010004L, 0x00010404L, 0x00000004L, 0x00010000L, 0x00000400L, 0x01010400L, 0x01010404L, 0x00000400L, 0x01000404L, 0x01010004L, 0x01000000L, 0x00000004L, 0x00000404L, 0x01000400L, 0x01000400L, 0x00010400L, 0x00010400L, 0x01010000L, 0x01010000L, 0x01000404L, 0x00010004L, 0x01000004L, 0x01000004L, 0x00010004L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000404L, 0x00010404L, 0x01000000L, 0x00010000L, 0x01010404L, 0x00000004L, 0x01010000L, 0x01010400L, 0x01000000L, 0x01000000L, 0x00000400L, 0x01010004L, 0x00010000L, 0x00010400L, 0x01000004L, 0x00000400L, 0x00000004L, 0x01000404L, 0x00010404L, 0x01010404L, 0x00010004L, 0x01010000L, 0x01000404L, 0x01000004L, 0x00000404L, 0x00010404L, 0x01010400L, 0x00000404L, 0x01000400L, 0x01000400L, 0x00000000L, 0x00010004L, 0x00010400L, 0x00000000L, 0x01010004L }; static unsigned long SP2[64] = { 0x80108020L, 0x80008000L, 0x00008000L, 0x00108020L, 0x00100000L, 0x00000020L, 0x80100020L, 0x80008020L, 0x80000020L, 0x80108020L, 0x80108000L, 0x80000000L, 0x80008000L, 0x00100000L, 0x00000020L, 0x80100020L, 0x00108000L, 0x00100020L, 0x80008020L, 0x00000000L, 0x80000000L, 0x00008000L, 0x00108020L, 0x80100000L, 0x00100020L, 0x80000020L, 0x00000000L, 0x00108000L, 0x00008020L, 0x80108000L, 0x80100000L, 0x00008020L, 0x00000000L, 0x00108020L, 0x80100020L, 0x00100000L, 0x80008020L, 0x80100000L, 0x80108000L, 0x00008000L, 0x80100000L, 0x80008000L, 0x00000020L, 0x80108020L, 0x00108020L, 0x00000020L, 0x00008000L, 0x80000000L, 0x00008020L, 0x80108000L, 0x00100000L, 0x80000020L, 0x00100020L, 0x80008020L, 0x80000020L, 0x00100020L, 0x00108000L, 0x00000000L, 0x80008000L, 0x00008020L, 0x80000000L, 0x80100020L, 0x80108020L, 0x00108000L }; static unsigned long SP3[64] = { 0x00000208L, 0x08020200L, 0x00000000L, 0x08020008L, 0x08000200L, 0x00000000L, 0x00020208L, 0x08000200L, 0x00020008L, 0x08000008L, 0x08000008L, 0x00020000L, 0x08020208L, 0x00020008L, 0x08020000L, 0x00000208L, 0x08000000L, 0x00000008L, 0x08020200L, 0x00000200L, 0x00020200L, 0x08020000L, 0x08020008L, 0x00020208L, 0x08000208L, 0x00020200L, 0x00020000L, 0x08000208L, 0x00000008L, 0x08020208L, 0x00000200L, 0x08000000L, 0x08020200L, 0x08000000L, 0x00020008L, 0x00000208L, 0x00020000L, 0x08020200L, 0x08000200L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000200L, 0x00020008L, 0x08020208L, 0x08000200L, 0x08000008L, 0x00000200L, 0x00000000L, 0x08020008L, 0x08000208L, 0x00020000L, 0x08000000L, 0x08020208L, 0x00000008L, 0x00020208L, 0x00020200L, 0x08000008L, 0x08020000L, 0x08000208L, 0x00000208L, 0x08020000L, 0x00020208L, 0x00000008L, 0x08020008L, 0x00020200L }; static unsigned long SP4[64] = { 0x00802001L, 0x00002081L, 0x00002081L, 0x00000080L, 0x00802080L, 0x00800081L, 0x00800001L, 0x00002001L, 0x00000000L, 0x00802000L, 0x00802000L, 0x00802081L, 0x00000081L, 0x00000000L, 0x00800080L, 0x00800001L, 0x00000001L, 0x00002000L, 0x00800000L, 0x00802001L, 0x00000080L, 0x00800000L, 0x00002001L, 0x00002080L, 0x00800081L, 0x00000001L, 0x00002080L, 0x00800080L, 0x00002000L, 0x00802080L, 0x00802081L, 0x00000081L, 0x00800080L, 0x00800001L, 0x00802000L, 0x00802081L, 0x00000081L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000000L, 0x00802000L, 0x00002080L, 0x00800080L, 0x00800081L, 0x00000001L, 0x00802001L, 0x00002081L, 0x00002081L, 0x00000080L, 0x00802081L, 0x00000081L, 0x00000001L, 0x00002000L, 0x00800001L, 0x00002001L, 0x00802080L, 0x00800081L, 0x00002001L, 0x00002080L, 0x00800000L, 0x00802001L, 0x00000080L, 0x00800000L, 0x00002000L, 0x00802080L }; static unsigned long SP5[64] = { 0x00000100L, 0x02080100L, 0x02080000L, 0x42000100L, 0x00080000L, 0x00000100L, 0x40000000L, 0x02080000L, 0x40080100L, 0x00080000L, 0x02000100L, 0x40080100L, 0x42000100L, 0x42080000L, 0x00080100L, 0x40000000L, 0x02000000L, 0x40080000L, 0x40080000L, 0x00000000L, 0x40000100L, 0x42080100L, 0x42080100L, 0x02000100L, 0x42080000L, 0x40000100L, 0x00000000L, 0x42000000L, 0x02080100L, 0x02000000L, 0x42000000L, 0x00080100L, 0x00080000L, 0x42000100L, 0x00000100L, 0x02000000L, 0x40000000L, 0x02080000L, 0x42000100L, 0x40080100L, 0x02000100L, 0x40000000L, 0x42080000L, 0x02080100L, 0x40080100L, 0x00000100L, 0x02000000L, 0x42080000L, 0x42080100L, 0x00080100L, 0x42000000L, 0x42080100L, 0x02080000L, 0x00000000L, 0x40080000L, 0x42000000L, 0x00080100L, 0x02000100L, 0x40000100L, 0x00080000L, 0x00000000L, 0x40080000L, 0x02080100L, 0x40000100L }; static unsigned long SP6[64] = { 0x20000010L, 0x20400000L, 0x00004000L, 0x20404010L, 0x20400000L, 0x00000010L, 0x20404010L, 0x00400000L, 0x20004000L, 0x00404010L, 0x00400000L, 0x20000010L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004000L, 0x20000000L, 0x00004010L, 0x00000000L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004010L, 0x00004000L, 0x00404000L, 0x20004010L, 0x00000010L, 0x20400010L, 0x20400010L, 0x00000000L, 0x00404010L, 0x20404000L, 0x00004010L, 0x00404000L, 0x20404000L, 0x20000000L, 0x20004000L, 0x00000010L, 0x20400010L, 0x00404000L, 0x20404010L, 0x00400000L, 0x00004010L, 0x20000010L, 0x00400000L, 0x20004000L, 0x20000000L, 0x00004010L, 0x20000010L, 0x20404010L, 0x00404000L, 0x20400000L, 0x00404010L, 0x20404000L, 0x00000000L, 0x20400010L, 0x00000010L, 0x00004000L, 0x20400000L, 0x00404010L, 0x00004000L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004010L, 0x00000000L, 0x20404000L, 0x20000000L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004010L }; static unsigned long SP7[64] = { 0x00200000L, 0x04200002L, 0x04000802L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000800L, 0x04000802L, 0x00200802L, 0x04200800L, 0x04200802L, 0x00200000L, 0x00000000L, 0x04000002L, 0x00000002L, 0x04000000L, 0x04200002L, 0x00000802L, 0x04000800L, 0x00200802L, 0x00200002L, 0x04000800L, 0x04000002L, 0x04200000L, 0x04200800L, 0x00200002L, 0x04200000L, 0x00000800L, 0x00000802L, 0x04200802L, 0x00200800L, 0x00000002L, 0x04000000L, 0x00200800L, 0x04000000L, 0x00200800L, 0x00200000L, 0x04000802L, 0x04000802L, 0x04200002L, 0x04200002L, 0x00000002L, 0x00200002L, 0x04000000L, 0x04000800L, 0x00200000L, 0x04200800L, 0x00000802L, 0x00200802L, 0x04200800L, 0x00000802L, 0x04000002L, 0x04200802L, 0x04200000L, 0x00200800L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000002L, 0x04200802L, 0x00000000L, 0x00200802L, 0x04200000L, 0x00000800L, 0x04000002L, 0x04000800L, 0x00000800L, 0x00200002L }; static unsigned long SP8[64] = { 0x10001040L, 0x00001000L, 0x00040000L, 0x10041040L, 0x10000000L, 0x10001040L, 0x00000040L, 0x10000000L, 0x00040040L, 0x10040000L, 0x10041040L, 0x00041000L, 0x10041000L, 0x00041040L, 0x00001000L, 0x00000040L, 0x10040000L, 0x10000040L, 0x10001000L, 0x00001040L, 0x00041000L, 0x00040040L, 0x10040040L, 0x10041000L, 0x00001040L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000000L, 0x10040040L, 0x10000040L, 0x10001000L, 0x00041040L, 0x00040000L, 0x00041040L, 0x00040000L, 0x10041000L, 0x00001000L, 0x00000040L, 0x10040040L, 0x00001000L, 0x00041040L, 0x10001000L, 0x00000040L, 0x10000040L, 0x10040000L, 0x10040040L, 0x10000000L, 0x00040000L, 0x10001040L, 0x00000000L, 0x10041040L, 0x00040040L, 0x10000040L, 0x10040000L, 0x10001000L, 0x10001040L, 0x00000000L, 0x10041040L, 0x00041000L, 0x00041000L, 0x00001040L, 0x00001040L, 0x00040040L, 0x10000000L, 0x10041000L }; static void desfunc(block, keys) register unsigned long *block, *keys; { register unsigned long fval, work, right, leftt; register int round; leftt = block[0]; right = block[1]; work = ((leftt >> 4) ^ right) & 0x0f0f0f0fL; right ^= work; leftt ^= (work << 4); work = ((leftt >> 16) ^ right) & 0x0000ffffL; right ^= work; leftt ^= (work << 16); work = ((right >> 2) ^ leftt) & 0x33333333L; leftt ^= work; right ^= (work << 2); work = ((right >> 8) ^ leftt) & 0x00ff00ffL; leftt ^= work; right ^= (work << 8); right = ((right << 1) | ((right >> 31) & 1L)) & 0xffffffffL; work = (leftt ^ right) & 0xaaaaaaaaL; leftt ^= work; right ^= work; leftt = ((leftt << 1) | ((leftt >> 31) & 1L)) & 0xffffffffL; for( round = 0; round < 8; round++ ) { work = (right << 28) | (right >> 4); work ^= *keys++; fval = SP7[ work & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP5[(work >> 8) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP3[(work >> 16) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP1[(work >> 24) & 0x3fL]; work = right ^ *keys++; fval |= SP8[ work & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP6[(work >> 8) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP4[(work >> 16) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP2[(work >> 24) & 0x3fL]; leftt ^= fval; work = (leftt << 28) | (leftt >> 4); work ^= *keys++; fval = SP7[ work & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP5[(work >> 8) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP3[(work >> 16) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP1[(work >> 24) & 0x3fL]; work = leftt ^ *keys++; fval |= SP8[ work & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP6[(work >> 8) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP4[(work >> 16) & 0x3fL]; fval |= SP2[(work >> 24) & 0x3fL]; right ^= fval; } right = (right << 31) | (right >> 1); work = (leftt ^ right) & 0xaaaaaaaaL; leftt ^= work; right ^= work; leftt = (leftt << 31) | (leftt >> 1); work = ((leftt >> 8) ^ right) & 0x00ff00ffL; right ^= work; leftt ^= (work << 8); work = ((leftt >> 2) ^ right) & 0x33333333L; right ^= work; leftt ^= (work << 2); work = ((right >> 16) ^ leftt) & 0x0000ffffL; leftt ^= work; right ^= (work << 16); work = ((right >> 4) ^ leftt) & 0x0f0f0f0fL; leftt ^= work; right ^= (work << 4); *block++ = right; *block = leftt; return; }