/* * getHEMP v0.2 -- by ca0s && s0t4ipv6 * * ca0s@getrewted.com.ar - http://www.getrewted.com.ar * s0t4ipv6@shellcode.com.ar - http://www.shellcode.com.ar * * Tool to map the internal network of a cisco router. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PROGRAM "getHEMP" #define VERSION "v0.2" #define AUTHOR "ca0s && s0t4ipv6" #define DEFAULT_PORT 23 #define CONNBUFF 1000 #define FMIP 20 char *optarg; int sock_stat; void usage(char *prgname) { printf("%s %s (c) 2002 by %s Usage: %s [t HOST:PORT] [<-u LOGIN> <-p PASS>] [-n NETWORK] <-o FILE>\n", PROGRAM, VERSION, AUTHOR, prgname); printf("\nOptions:"); printf(" -t HOST[:PORT] HOST and PORT to connect to. (default PORT is 23) -u LOGIN login with LOGIN name. -p PASS use password PASS. -n NETWORK scan this NETWORK. (ex.: -o FILE write found login/password to FILE instead of stdout. \n", PROGRAM); exit(-1); } int banner(void) { printf("\n%s %s (c) 2002 by %s \n\n", PROGRAM, VERSION, AUTHOR); } void fail(char *message) { fprintf(stderr, "(!) error: %s\n", message); exit(-1); } int log_found(char *host, char *file) { FILE *fd; if ((fd = fopen(file, "a")) == NULL) { fail("unable to open the logfile."); } fprintf(fd, "Target UP -> [%s]\n", host); fclose(fd); } int enlace(char *host, int port) { int err; struct sockaddr_in addr; struct hostent *hp; if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) fail("failed to resolve host."); if ((sock_stat = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) fail("error opening socket."); addr.sin_family = PF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); if ((err = connect(sock_stat, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr))) < 0) fail("error opening connection."); printf("* attemping connection to [%s:%d].\n", host, port); } int sendlogin(char *user, char *pass) { int mode = 0; char *input; if ((input=(char*)calloc(CONNBUFF + 1 , sizeof(char))) == NULL) fail("can't allocate memory."); while (read(sock_stat, input, CONNBUFF) > 0) { if (strstr(input,"ogin:") || strstr(input,"sername:")) { printf("* login requested.\n"); if (!strcmp(user, "nologin")) fail("can't continue whitout a username."); mode = 1; break; } if (strstr(input,"assword:")) { printf("* only password needed.\n"); break; } } memset(input, 0x00, CONNBUFF); if (mode == 1) { printf("* sending [%s] and [%s].\n", user, pass); write(sock_stat, user, strlen(user)); write(sock_stat, "\r\n", 2); while(read(sock_stat, input, CONNBUFF) > 0) { if(strstr(input,"assword")) { memset(input, 0x00, CONNBUFF); break; } } write(sock_stat, pass, strlen(pass)); write(sock_stat, "\r\n", 2); } else { printf("* sending [%s].\n", pass); write(sock_stat, pass, strlen(pass)); write(sock_stat, "\r\n", 2); } sleep(3); memset(input, 0x00, CONNBUFF); while (read(sock_stat, input, CONNBUFF) > 0) { if (strstr(input,"ogin:") || strstr(input,"sername:")) { printf("* authentication failed.\n"); return (0); } else if (strstr(input,"assword:")) { printf("* authentication failed.\n"); return (0); } else if (strchr(input,'\x3e')) { printf("* seems we are logged in.\n"); return (1); } } } int mapnet(char *net, char *logfile) { char getin; char *dinamica, *mande; char *p_tok; int toks[4]; int i, min, max; /* set default min */ min = 1 ; if ( ( p_tok = (char *)calloc(8, sizeof(char))) == NULL ) { fail ("can't allocate memory."); } /* parse network form */ for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { memccpy(p_tok, net, 0x2e, 8); net+=strlen(p_tok); toks[i] = atoi(p_tok); memset(p_tok, 0x0, 8); } memccpy(p_tok, net, 0x2d, 8); net+=strlen(p_tok); // *address + length(p_tok) if ( atoi(p_tok) ) min = atoi(p_tok); /* set default max */ if ( min > (max = atoi(net)) ) { max = min ; } /* check limit */ if ( (toks[0] <= 0 || toks[0] > 255) || (toks[1] < 0 || toks[1] > 255) || (toks[2] < 0 || toks[2] > 255) || (min < 0 || min > 255) || (max < 0 || max > 255) ) { fail ("bad network range."); } printf("* set range to %d.%d.%d.%d-%d\n", toks[0], toks[1], toks[2], min, max); if ( (mande = (char *)calloc(FMIP + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL ) { fail ("can't allocate memory."); } if ( (dinamica = (char *)calloc( FMIP + 6 , sizeof(char)) ) == NULL ) { fail ("can't allocate memory."); } for ( i = min ; i <= max ; i++ ) { snprintf(dinamica, FMIP + 6 , "ping %d.%d.%d.%d\n" ,toks[0],toks[1], toks[2], i); snprintf(mande, FMIP + 1, "%d.%d.%d.%d", toks[0], toks[1] , toks[2], i); send(sock_stat, dinamica, strlen(dinamica), 0); printf ("\n* Pinging %s ...", mande); while ( read(sock_stat, &getin , 1) > 0 ) { if ( (int)getin == 33 ) { if ( logfile != NULL ){ log_found(mande, logfile); } printf ("\tUP !"); break; } if ( (int)getin == 62) break ; } if ( (int)getin != 62) { do { read(sock_stat, &getin, 1) ; } while ( (int)getin != 62 ); } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *ofp; char *target = NULL, *logfile = NULL, *pass = NULL, *temp, *login = NULL, *net = NULL; int option, port; if (argc < 3) usage(argv[0]); banner(); while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "t:u:p:n:o:")) >= 0) { switch (option) { case 't': target = optarg; break; case 'u': login = optarg; break; case 'p': pass = optarg; break; case 'n': net = optarg; break; case 'o': logfile = optarg; break; default: usage(argv[0]); } } if (strstr(target, ":") != NULL) { temp = target; while (*target != ':') target++; *target = '\0'; target++; port = atoi(target); target = temp; if (port < 1 || port > 65535) fail("port is out of range."); } else port = DEFAULT_PORT; if (pass == NULL) fail("options -p or -P are needed."); if (login == NULL) { login = malloc(strlen("nologin")); memcpy(login, "nologin", strlen("nologin")); } if (net == NULL) fail("option -n is needed."); if (logfile != NULL) { if ((ofp = fopen(logfile, "w")) == NULL) fail("unable to open the logfile."); fprintf(ofp, "%s %s (c) 2002 by %s\n\n", PROGRAM, VERSION, AUTHOR); fclose(ofp); } enlace(target, port); if (sendlogin(login, pass)) mapnet(net, logfile); printf("\n\n%s finished.\n\n", PROGRAM); exit(0); }