Cisco IOS 12.0 Information Grabbing and Potential Vulnerabilities.

Written by: Semper
1. Introduction
2. Finger daemon
3. snmp daemon
4. http daemon
5. Saving the configuration
This paper may change alot over time.
***The Below Text has been tested with IOS 12.0(9) and 12.0(4)***
Cisco IOS by default has a finger daemon and httpd daemon running. The finger daemon while not a huge security threat does give away some information about the router. The httpd daemon on the other hand has had some vulnerabilities with crackers being able to bypass the username/password prompt and have full access to the router configuration which they can change as they see fit. Also Some ISP's that are running snmp don't change their "community name" on the snmp daemon. This is a very bad practice and allows crackers to see information about cisco routers that Admins should not be letting people see.
-=Information Grabbing=-
#Finger daemon#
For example.
semper@geex:~$ telnet 79
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Line User Host(s) Idle Location
* 2 vty 0 idle 0

Interface User Mode Idle Peer Address
Se4/0 Sync PPP 00:00:00
Connection closed by foreign host.

The below section isn't much of anything. It tell's nothing, but what terminal you
connected to and your hostname/ip address.

Line User Host(s) Idle Location
* 2 vty 0 idle 0

Below gives away more information about the router. It show's what interface that is on it show's what protocol is running. etc etc.

Interface User Mode Idle Peer Address
Se4/0 Sync PPP 00:00:00

The Finger daemon doesn't give away too much info, but still it's more and likely info
that some network admin did not want to be made to the public. To change this log
into your cisco router via telnet, or console. and type in the following.

cisco#config t
cisco(config)#no ip finger

-Explanation of what was done-

Basically it is a very simple fix. You login to your router and get in enabled mode go to
configure terminal "no ip finger" turns off the finger daemon.
#snmp daemon#
The SNMP daemon is a network monitoring protocol. Many ISP's and networks use SNMP on their routers to collect data about bandwidth usage and other useful information about how their network is working. The snmp daemon on cisco router have their community name set by default set to "public". Why is this bad? This is bad because people can use your own network monitor to gain information about your network and more specifically about your router. Using a simple program such as WS_Ping Pack I can gain information simply by typing in the IP of the router I'm wanting to gain information about. Below are the results I get from running an snmp scan with the default"public" community name.

sysDescr.0="Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 1005 Software (C1005-Y2-M), Version 12.0(9), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 24-Jan-00 23:10 by bettyl"
sysObjectID.0=cisco.1.49sysUpTime.0="2 days 00:47:04"

What exactly is this information? Let's see.
- Is the hostname of the router.

sysDescr.0="Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (TM) 1005 Software (C1005-Y2-M), Version 12.0(9), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 24-Jan-00 23:10 by bettyl"
- Tells Information about the Router. What IOS and version is running on the router and when it
was compiled onto the router.

sysObjectID.0=cisco.1.49sysUpTime.0="2 days 00:47:04"
- This bit of information tell's us how long the router has been up and running.

How can I change the default community name? First off you need to log into the router either via console or telnet and enter into enabled mode.


Second type in "Configure Terminal"

GeeX# Configure Terminal

Third Change the default community name.

GeeX(config)# snmp-server community communityname ro

Where "communityname" is change it to what ever you want it to be and keep it secret so you don't have people grabbing information about your network using your own network management tools.

#httpd daemon#

The httpd daemon in Cisco IOS has had some known vulnerabilities that allows attackers to take complete control of Cisco IOS routers. The httpd daemon on the Cisco IOS is turned on by default and is used as a GUI configuration Page(s). In my opinion if you have enough experience to work with cisco routers then you really do not need a http GUID configuration so we need to turn the daemon off.

First thing we need to do is log into the router via telnet or console and enter a priviledged user environment.


Second, Enter config t mode

GeeX# Configure Terminal

Third, To turn off the httpd daemon enter the following command.

GeeX(config)# no ip http server

This will turn off the httpd daemon on the router. Now that we have gone through and change the router up turning off the finger and http daemon and renamed the community name on the snmp daemon we need to write the configuration to memory.


GeeX# copy running-config start-config

The above command will write the config to memory and will remain intact when you reboot your router.